Diesel Tank – JBF Cy. – Thailand

Diesel Tank – JBF Cy. – Thailand

In October 2021 the ZINGA Thailand Distributor, DEMARC TRADING Cy. Ltd., started the repairs and re-coating of a 18,000 Liters diesel tank for JBF Company Ltd with a ZINGA duplex system. The JBF Company is a manufacturer and distributor of animal feed for land,...
MV Copious –  Trawler

MV Copious – Trawler

MV Copious – Pelargic Fishing Trawler Location: Lerwick harbour, UK She came into Lerwick harbour in 2001 to have her port bow re-plated following damage. The owners were convinced to coat her with Zinga, and said they would coat the Copious but not her...


In 1958 a viaduct was built by NOBELS PEELMAN construction company on the Leopold II RING lane of Brussels to support increased traffic resulting from the World Expo. It was designed as a temporary construction, but eventually served in Belgian’s capital city...
Regents Street Disease

Regents Street Disease

Regents Street Disease Location: London This report concerns the evaluation of the surface-condition of the steel beams inside the outer walls of the building which is situated at no. 80 The Strand London after they have been treated. The beams will have to be...
Ireland. Canal Foot Bridge

Ireland. Canal Foot Bridge

This canal foot bridge spec called for a 2k finish over galvanised steel. After blasting, the steel was coated with 80 um DFT of ZINGA galvanising The steel was later top coated with a 2k black finish....